Thursday, December 13, 2012

the days before the diagnosis- part 1

I didn't want to be right. 
I wanted to have been worried about nothing.
I didn't want my "mother's intuition" to be spot on. 

Sam started wetting the bed, which isn't completely unusual for a "potty-trained" boy under the age of 4. But he hadn't done that before. And it was happening every night. We invested in a package of Pull-ups and a plastic sheet and thought it would pass. 
But it didn't. And then he was peeing more frequently during the day.
The red flag, for me, came 3 weeks ago, when I took all 3 kids out for dinner and left my sickly husband at home on the couch. As soon we sat down to order, Sam had to go to the bathroom. I asked his big brother to take him. Then he had to go again before we left. Two times in 30 minutes? That seems odd. When we got in the car to head home, he immediately asked for his water cup. I didn't have it, and he asked again a few minutes later. I assured him we would be home soon and we'd get a drink then. 
That night, I told my husband what happened and asked him to confirm- isn't excessive thirst and frequent urination a sign of diabetes? His face dropped as he told me that he had been concerned about that, as well. He had noticed how very irritable Sam gets when he gets hungry. In all honesty, I had chalked that up to being almost 4, or just his general disposition. 
We didn't talk about it much more, but it kept nagging at me. We have a few church friends who have Type 1 Diabetes. I called the mom of one of those boys and told her what I was observing in Sam and about my concerns. She shared her experience and then encouraged me to test his blood sugar, as that would be the best way to get an answer. She offered to come over with her son's extra kit and do the test with us. We wanted to wait. 

3 days later, I couldn't wait any longer. Nothing huge happened. It was more of the same- bed wetting, coming close to accidents during the day, lots of water guzzling. My husband and I had a date planned for Saturday night and the in-laws were coming to watch the kids in about 2 hours. For whatever reason (Divine intervention), I told him I didn't want to wait any longer. I called our friend and she showed up with the test kit within the hour. It didn't work (dead battery) so she called her son and he came over with his extra kit.

One finger prick later, our lives changed. 
Sam's blood sugar was 600.  (Normal is between 70-100)
Out to dinner with the kids. The first night I used the "D" word.

1 comment:

  1. I just can't think of words to describe what a gut punch this must have been. I am praying for you and Charles and Sam. Thanks for being willing to share so honestly.
